The Conquest Continues

Age of Tanks Beta Game Full Guide

We hear you. EVERYONE IS INVITED! Free-access for all 🎉

Web Access:

  • Register Email Address and Login Credentials

  • Connect Metamask Wallet

  • Done!

For all game modes & functions, see here!

Featuring massive upgrades with refreshing UI/UX and bugs fixes 🎉

With the massive influx of interests, immense amount of great ideas and feedback came pouring in! The Age of Tanks team is highly commited to deliver the best experiences to all gamers. Hence, we have so much more to implement in the near future!

Till date, thousands of $A.O.T has been rewarded for Bug Bounties, but we will not stop here! During this transition to full game, we assure to resolve all arising bugs and issues!

Once again, we TANK YOU all Champions for actively contributing to the success of Age of Tanks.

A LOOK BACK AT ALPHA (22 Jan to 22 Feb 22)

Accumulated >400,000 Battles in Earth Zero Metaverse!

1,200,000 $A.O.T Distributed

Garnered >6,000,000 Watchlist Attention on CoinMarketCap

Last updated